2024 Flower Show

The 2024 Show moved to the Community Centre in Euxton and, with David Brown continuing as Show Manager and many volunteers it proved a great success. With 420 entries by 49 exhibitors there was something for everyone, not just flowers and vegetables but also cacti, photos and a room full of craft exhibits.
The trophies were awarded by the Mayor of Chorley, Councillor Gordon France - see details below.
Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped at the event and to Michael for providing excellent refreshments.

2024 Prizewinners
NDS Silver Medal for best exhibit in Dahlia classes Mick Cooper
President's Cup for most points in Dahlia classes Chris Nightingale
Baxi Cup for most points in the flower classes Chris Nightingale
Rivington Cup for best vase of garden flowers in classes 21 & 29 Chris Nightingale
Best exhibit in the sweet pea classes Alex Cooper
A & G Trophy for most points in cacti classes Eric Mottram
BFS Rosette for most points in fuchsia classes David Brown
Tom & Alice Leyland Trophy for best exhibit in fuchsia classes David Brown
Corless Cup for most points in vegetable classes Mick Cooper
NVS Medal for best exhibit in the vegetable classes Mick Cooper
Fernbank Trophy for best exhibit Margaret Smith
The 125th Anniversary Trophy for most points in Novice classes Margaret Smith
The C.H. Lowe Trophy for most points in Childrens' classes Taylor Robinson
Edwina Brown Trophy for most points in Craft classes Anne Blundell
Gardening Society Classes
Audrey Dawson Trophy for most points in the photography classes Roger Whittle
James Sumner Roger memorial Trophy for best exhibit Roger Whittle
Riversdale trophy for most points in Confectionary classes Susan Halliwell
Margaret Calderbank Trophy for best exhibit Christine Kitchen
Under 18s
Claude Lowe Memorial Trophy for most meritorious exhibit (u18) Alex Cooper
Harley Trophy
Gold medal and Banksian Medal Roy Sharples
Siver Medal Chris Nightingale
Bronze medal Mick Cooper
Bronze Medal Eric Mottram
Bronze Medal William Joyce